In the Russian Federation, there are two levels of state support for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) - federal and regional. It is also possible to receive assistance from municipal authorities at the local level. A system of support for SMEs has already been established at all levels, but some changes continue to be made to the system, as infrastructure and innovation processes are being developed, and as a result, the potential of small and medium-sized businesses is growing. The purpose of state support is to provide comprehensive assistance in the process of organizing and doing business.
State support for small and medium-sized businesses is a set of measures of state authorities of a legal, economic and social orientation, which take into account the interests of economic entities and the state and are aimed at developing the business sector.The key goals of state support for SMEs are:
development of the right field to stimulate whatsapp mobile number list entrepreneurial initiative;
assistance in the creation and normal functioning of small and medium-sized businesses;
increasing the contribution of the SME sector to the development of the national economy;
support for domestic producers, creating the necessary conditions for promoting products on the domestic market;
increasing exports through the production of SMEs;
growth of budget revenues at various levels due to tax revenues from the SME sector;
reducing unemployment by creating new jobs.
The conditions and procedure for providing state support to small and medium-sized businesses are established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal legal acts.
Starting a business involves important legal steps, like choosing a business name and registering it. You also need to get the right licenses and permits. It’s a good idea to talk to a lawyer to make sure everything is done correctly.