Reels have great entertaining Whatsapp number database value, much more than 'just' a story because in principle Stories are also a 15-second video. The intention with the introduction of Reels was, among other things, to keep young people and/or lure them back to the app. But also because this time calls for this kind of short, entertaining content. IGTV, video Whatsapp number database longer than a minute, turned out not to have that power. It does have a different value for your followers. Reels are definitely an interesting form of content.
Would Reels be introduced on Whatsapp number database other platforms just like Stories? The door is open for new content forms The arrival of Stories and Reels have taught us that new forms of Whatsapp number database content are constantly being added, and forms will also disappear. Content forms that are optimal for your smartphone screen and experience. And content forms that suit every moment Whatsapp number database of the day and different activities. Are we finally done with 'picture chat'? Just think of podcasts, an audio form for when you're on the go or busy. Or Reels for entertainment, if you just want to Whatsapp number database have a little fun.
As it were short adrenaline shots. For longer videos, which you can find on YouTube or IGTV, you need more time and watch this one if you want to dig deeper. We look at stories just like the 'old' timeline, just in between. We watch them because they are made by people we Whatsapp number database know or find interesting and so we can experience what they are doing. Guides have a completely different function. A guide is a collection of Instagram posts from others or your own account. Often with Whatsapp number database one subject, where you can place extra text.
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